Los Alcazares, Murcia, Spain

Code of Conduct Policy 2016/17

Antisocial behaviour is behaviour that is contrary to the Code of Conduct Policy

It is behaviour that would generally be considered to cause a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to anyone else in the vicinity. It would therefore affect other people’s quality of life in an adverse way.

To clarify breaches of the policy, some examples are given below:


Playing loud music to the annoyance of persons nearby

Making excessive noise in any form after midnight

Letting pets roam free within the community (they should always be on a lead)

Letting pets foul the Community gardens

Any mess left by any animal must be cleaned up at the time by the person having control of the animal

Spitting within the Community areas

Riding of bicycles within the Community gates

Dropping and leaving of litter

Ignoring the Pool Rules, and/or refusing to follow the instructions of the pool guard

Ignoring the Community rules

Damaging or defacing any property within the community, including private property

Misusing or allowing misuse by children of the apartment lifts or the entrance gates to the complex. (These are expensive items to repair from the Community funds)

Breaking any Spanish Law

Procedure for Dealing with Antisocial Behaviour

Where an owner or tenant is found to be in breach of the policy, then in the first instance a polite reminder of the Community Rules should be made by any witness to the incident. This should be made verbally or if the address is known then a note may be left at the premises with a copy in either of the two suggestion boxes so that a record can be kept against the property.

Should the reminder be met with a negative response, then the matter should be referred to the President, Vice President or to a member of the Committee, again via the suggestion boxes. The method of dealing with persistent offenders is as follows:


Where possible the President, Vice President or Committee Member(s) will verbally address the matter with the person responsible


The date, time and details of the incident will be noted


Subsequent transgressions will receive a written warning from the Administrator, a record of which will be kept and logged against the property


A maximum of two written warnings will be issued


Failure to respond to written warnings in a positive way may result in the Police being called, or a denuncia (formal complaint to the police) taken out against the identified offender(s)


Any incident that involves violent, threatening or abusive behaviour to any person or a serious breach of Community Rules will result in the Police being called immediately by any witness to the incident, or the pool guard or night guard

Every owner and long term renter has an obligation to assist in ensuring the Community Rules are adhered to and to keep peace and good order